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Last Updated on 16/02/2024 by owen_2023

Demand for Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland grants and supports from Irish businesses are going “gangbusters”, according to its chief executive.

William Walsh said that increased commercial rooftop solar grants, supports for industrial heat pumps, and a forthcoming commercial retrofit scheme were all examples of the growing schemes available for businesses to decarbonise their energy use. Walsh was speaking at the Business Post at the International Energy Agency (IEA) Ministerial Conference in Paris.

Walsh pointed to the SEAI’s ramped up commercial solar scheme, which since its launch last July, had received 912 applications for 79MW of solar capacity and €15.8m of grant funding.

“That scheme has gone absolutely gangbusters,” Walsh said.

“We have seen huge uptake. Demand is massive. So, the supports are there and the appetite is there.”

The Commercial team at Solarstream have been fielding enquiries on commercial, agricultural and schools that are able to avail of grants and funding schemes brought in towards the end of 2023. To discover more about solar grants available please visit our solar grants page.

At Solarstream we manage everything, including design, finance, and maintenance. We incur the Capital cost and offer you a competitive low price electricity solution.  Furthermore, we work with major lenders in Ireland to offer you the lowest rates of interest and help and guide you through the process in securing your PPA Loan through Solarstream or if you choose a major lender within the Irish market.

Learn more about Solar Grants and Loans here